046: Passive Income Mini Series #2 – Should You Create A Digital Product? Listen to find out!

Today we’re diving into episode two of our mini-series all about how to create your own digital offer. If you’ve been wanting to create your own digital course or product, then this series is definitely for you.   In the first episode, we talked about how to find 100 dream leads online and the exact steps to start building your email list. And in today’s episode, we’re going to focus on a different aspect – how to know if it’s the right time for you to create your own digital offer.  

Why A Digital Offer?

First, let me tell you why I believe creating your own digital offer is one of the best ways to monetize your social media platform. If you’ve already been consistently showing up, curating content, and building your brand, then having your own product is a fantastic idea. It becomes your intellectual property that you can offer to your followers, allowing them to learn more from you.   But here’s the thing – I believe in giving away some of your best content for free online. I know, it might sound a bit counterintuitive, but trust me on this!   By giving away valuable information, you’re showcasing your expertise and building trust with your audience. And when they see the quality of your free content, they’ll naturally wonder what it would be like to work with you or purchase your products.   That’s where your digital offer comes in. It’s an opportunity for you to provide even more value and take your audience’s learning to the next level. Think of it as the implementation of the knowledge you’ve shared for free. People are willing to pay for the structure, step-by-step guidance, and personalized support that your digital offer provides.  

Are You Ready to Create a Digital Offer?

To determine if you’re ready to create your own digital offer, there are a few questions you can ask yourself.   First, overcome the mindset that you’re taking money from someone. Remember, your skill set of putting step-by-steps together is a valuable service that people are willing to pay for. Sales is service, and by offering your expertise, you’re helping others achieve their goals.   Next, think about what people are already asking you for help with. Are you the go-to person for a specific topic? Do people constantly seek your advice or guidance? These are signs that you have valuable knowledge to share and can create a digital offer around those topics.   Additionally, consider what people are already paying others for. Is there a gap in the market that you can fill with your unique perspective or approach? Research existing products and services to validate your idea and find ways to differentiate yourself.   Finally, ask yourself if you’re ready to be in control of your own income online. Creating your own digital offer allows you to have ownership and control over your earnings. You create it once and can sell it repeatedly, providing a more passive income stream. If the idea of creating something once and helping many people excites you, then it’s definitely time to start creating your own digital product.  

Subscribe to Hear The Rest of the Passive Income Mini Series

Remember, you don’t have to feel 100% ready or completely confident. It’s normal to have some doubts, but if you feel positive about the idea and have a passion for helping others, then you’re ready to take the leap. In the next episode, we’ll dive into how to figure out what idea to pursue for your digital offer. I’ll be sharing a hundred digital product ideas to get your creative juices flowing. So make sure to subscribe to Trust Issues on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or your favorite podcast platform and until next time, keep building your digital empire!