Baby Items for 0-3 Month Olds

If you’re a new or an expecting mama, you understand the pressure to add all of the things to your registry. There is SO much baby stuff on the market. Social media and big box stores make you feel like you need every little thing. Don’t fall for it. 90% of the items are a waste of money.

I am three months postpartum, so I feel I better understand what a 0-3-month-old baby needs. And let me tell you, it’s not that much. Keep it simple. Being a minimalist has helped.

Here are the six baby items we’ve used the most!

  1. Baby Shusher

    We all know that babies love white noise. It’s soothing and helps calm them down. This is the perfect thing to keep handy, especially if you’re on the go and don’t have a noise machine. We take ours on walks and always pack in the diaper bag when we leave the house. I swear that anytime Dawson is fussy, this immediately calms him down!

  2. Nail Trimmer Set:

    Ok, I’ve learned as a new mom that baby’s nails grow fast! It’s essential to keep them trimmed and filed because they can scratch their little faces. The nail clippers make me a little uneasy. I am always afraid I will clip his finger, so this has been a lifesaver. I can quickly and safely file his nails down, and it doesn’t bother him. You can use different attachments as your baby grows, and I just love that I don’t have to use the clippers anymore. Keep this handy because you’ll be surprised how fast their tiny nails will grow!

  3. FridaBaby NoseFriday:

    I have so many thoughts on this product! First of all, it’s fantastic. When Dawson was first born, we tried using the bulb. It was impossible to get all of the snot, and you couldn’t even see what you got. We also tried the nose sucker by FridaBaby, and it just wasn’t for me. I’ve read about so many of my friends getting sick from their babies, so I was so excited when we found this product. It is easy to use, and you can see exactly what comes out.

  4. Double Zipper PJs:

    TBH, I had no idea these existed before becoming a mama. They make MON changes sooooo easy. It keeps Dawson comfortable and makes diaper changes a pleasant experience.

  5. Playmat:

    Babies need to do a lot of tummy time! It’s their exercise and great to strengthen their neck and core muscles. When I was shopping for one, I wanted one that matched our theme and was aesthetically pleasing. That’s when I found this mat. I love that this will grow with Dawson and be part of his play area in the future!

  6. Carrier:

    A soft carrier is a must. There will be days when your baby doesn’t like to be put down, or they just want to contact nap. Those days can be hard when you feel like you have so much to do. These days, I love wearing Dawson because I am hands-free. I can still cook, get ready, or work all while he naps. This is definitely a splurge, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. After all, if you don’t add all the things to your list, you can make room for this purchase. However, there are plenty of other great options, too. I’ve heard great things about the Baby Bjorn and Ergobaby carriers.

These are for sure our most used items. When building my registry,  I saw the push to have all of the things for Dawson. I am here to tell you that you don’t need it all. Less is more!

What’s one baby item you love? Let me know!