041: Bam Lionheart – Primal Movement, Why You Should Sell Your Couch, and Reversing Back Pain

If you’ve listened to Trust Issues before, it won’t come as a surprise to you that we both love working out in a way that’s natural and pain-free. So when we discovered Bam LionHeart, we were ‘all in’ with his teachings and today, we’re so excited to have him on the show!   Bam has been a movement coach for over 8 years. He has experience in gymnastics, football, jiu jitsu, wrestling, boxing, may Thai, MMA, CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, endurance running, endurance swimming, climbing, yoga, and modern dance.    His goal is to give his clients freedom through movement by eliminating pain, in depth movement education, and reintegrating natural movement patterns, and that’s exactly what you’ll learn about in today’s episode.   Let’s dive in to learn all about primal movement and how it can upgrade your life, just as it has ours.   

What Is Primal Movement?

Primal movement is foundational human movement. It refers to the essential and basic movements that are inherent in every human being. These movements include squatting, hinging, walking, running, and various positions of lying down. Primal movement is the progression that individuals go through from infancy to early childhood, as they learn to bend their legs, stand up, walk on one leg, and crawl.   These movements may seem simple and instinctive, but they are crucial for the development and functioning of the human body. Primal movement forms the building blocks for more complex movements and physical activities. It is the foundation upon which all other movements and physical abilities are built.   Bam Lionheart is an advocate for primal movement and teaches individuals how to move in a way that aligns with their natural design. His approach is holistic and encompasses various disciplines such as gymnastics, football, jujitsu, wrestling, boxing, Mai Thai, MMA, CrossFit, Olympic weightlifting, endurance running, endurance swimming, climbing, yoga, and modern dance.   Primal movement is not just for athletes or fitness enthusiasts. It is for everyone who wants to improve their quality of life and experience pain-free movement. By embracing primal movement, we can tap into our innate abilities and unlock our full potential!  

The Importance of Movement

Movement is an integral part of human life. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed at night, we are constantly engaging in various movements. Whether it’s walking to the grocery store, squatting down to pick up an object, or simply laying in bed, movement is a fundamental aspect of our daily existence.   Bam is passionate about the fact that anyone can benefit from understanding and practicing primal movement, regardless of their background or profession. By examining the movements that are essential to our daily lives, we can gain valuable insights and make positive changes!   Increasing the quality of our movement directly enhances the quality of our lives, because movement is intertwined with every aspect of our existence. Whether it’s performing daily tasks, participating in physical activities, or even experiencing pain or discomfort, movement plays a significant role.   In a world where pain and discomfort are the norm (even amongst those who are physically active), it raises the question: are  traditional exercise routines really effective?   Primal movement focusing on the quality of movement rather than just the quantity or intensity. By understanding and practicing primal movements, individuals can address underlying imbalances, improve their physical abilities, and prevent injuries. It provides a holistic approach to movement that aligns with our natural design and promotes overall well-being.  

Recode Movement for Better Posture

In our conversation, Bam explains the concept of “recode” movement, which he explains involves consciously changing the way the nervous system and body create movement.   Bam then uses the example of handwriting to illustrate how the human body learns skills. He explains that most people have a dominant hand that they write with, and it took time to code their signature or specific handwriting into their hand. Once the skill was integrated into the subconscious nervous system, individuals were able to move on to learning other skills, such as cursive writing. Bam suggests that this analogy shows that the body has the ability to learn new skills and adapt.   Bam then focuses on primal movements of the body and how they are self-taught and intuitive. He mentions watching a child teach themselves how to crawl, sit upright, balance on one leg, and flip, which we can speak to as we watch our son Dawson teach himself these movements! They were not explicitly taught but rather learned naturally and intuitively. This self-teaching ability is present in all individuals and can be utilized to improve movement patterns.  

Working In Vs. Working Out

Bam then introduces the idea of working in instead of working out. He explains that working in involves changing how the nervous system codes movements, such as handwriting or basic movements like squatting or reaching. Many people are not utilizing their bodies to their full potential and are leaving potential for healthy movement and muscular activation on the table. This is due to our sedentary lifestyle, where sitting in chairs for extended periods of time leads to certain muscles becoming dominant and others becoming weakened.   Bam concluded our conversation by providing two indicators of whether you are stuck in the front side or backside of their body: if your feet are stuck in a wide position or your hips are pushed in front of your ankles, you may be living in a banana thrusted shape. Identifying this imbalance can allow you to work towards better posture and movement, which is all based on leaning toward your back! Did you love this episode? Follow Bam on Instagram for his best fitness and movement tips and start recoding your life!