008: New to Exercise? Start Here for Our Failproof Tips for Beginners
Picture this: you’ve known for weeks, months, perhaps even years or decades that you should prioritize your health and fitness. You’ve started countless diets, workout plans, and paid for months and months of unused gym memberships to no avail.
Working out is for other people… not you, despite what the number is on the scale. Right?
If this sounds like you, you’re not alone.
National data from the 2017-2020 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey concluded that nationally, 41.9 percent of adults have obesity, and that number is only getting larger every year.
According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, factors that may contribute to excess weight gain are:
Types and amounts of food and drinks consumed;
Level of physical activity;
Degree of time spent on sedentary behaviors (such as watching TV, engaging with a computer, or talking and texting on the phone);
Sleep habits;
Medical conditions or medicines; and
Where and how people live, including their access to and ability to afford healthy foods and safe places to be active.
But this doesn’t have to be you!
Moving your body is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Not only does it help to improve physical health, but it also has a positive impact on mental health. When you move your body, you are creating a sense of well-being and an improved sense of self.
The benefits of physical activity are numerous. It helps to reduce stress, improve sleep, increase energy, and even boost your mood. Additionally, regular physical activity can help to reduce the risk of certain medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Being active is important to our family because it helps us train for life. For us, fitness is not about punishing ourselves for bad eating habits, but rather about finding joy and discovering the limits of our bodies.
We want our children to grow up with a healthy relationship with fitness and to see it as something fun and enjoyable.
Right now, if you don’t see fitness as something enjoyable, it may be because you believe one of these common excuses about working out:
Excuse 1: “I’m too busy.”
Our Solution: Even the busiest of us can find free time in our day for activities that are important.
Excuse 2: ”I’m too tired.”
Our Solution: It may sound counterintuitive, but physical activity actually reduces fatigue and boosts energy levels in the long run. With regular exercise, you’ll feel much more energized, refreshed, and alert at all times.
Excuse 3: “I’m too fat,” “I’m too old,” or “My health isn’t good enough.”
Our Solution: It’s never too late to start building your strength and physical fitness, even if you’re a senior or a self-confessed couch potato who has never exercised before.
Excuse 4: “I’m not athletic.”
Our Solution: You don’t have to be “sporty” or super-coordinated to get fit. Focus on easy ways to boost your activity level, like walking, swimming, or even working more around the house. Anything that gets you moving will work.
Now that we’ve busted through the myths you may have been thinking, if you’re brand new to fitness, you’re probably wondering where you should start. Luckily, we have 3 tips to help you begin TODAY.
TIP 1: Start walking!
If 10,000 steps is too much right away, make it 5,000. Still too much? Make it 2,500! Anything is better than whatever you’re doing now, and you can gradually work your way up.
TIP 2: After you’ve gotten your step count up, consider thinking outside the gym to start.
There are many activities you can do to get your heart rate up, including:
horseback riding
ballroom dancing
paddle boarding
martial arts
rock climbing
Ultimate Frisbee
So pick something that sounds fun to you, and do that!
TIP 3: After you’ve gotten your step count up and have found a physical activity you enjoy, THEN get serious.
Once you’ve gotten your feet wet with exercise for a few weeks, it may be time to consider getting a personal trainer, a gym membership, or subscription to at-home fitness tutorials. Do what works for you and your budget to get the accountability and education you need to design the right fitness routine for you.
Ready to start working out? We’d love to cheer you on! Leave an iTunes review and let us know. Reviews let us know what you want to hear and allow us to get even more amazing guests on the show.