My Acne Journey

Have you ever canceled plans due to your acne or tried to hide it with loads of makeup? I spent over a decade trying to hide my acne, so I know firsthand how it can absolutely wreck your confidence.

It took me many years and failed diets and skincare routines to finally find what worked for my skin. Believe it or not, it didn’t involve cutting out certain food groups or depriving me of my favorite foods. In fact, it was the complete opposite.

These products have forever changed my skin:

  1. Bakuchiol vegan retinol alternative:

I have noticed the most significant change in my skin from this product alone. It has minimized breakouts scarring, and the overall texture is so much better than it used to be.

2. Purifying skincare line:

This includes the best cleanser I’ve ever used, plus a charcoal mask. Both are designed to pull excess sebum from your pores. It works so well!

3. Hyaluronic acid:

Dehydrated skin is more prone to breakouts, so I make sure to keep things super hydrated, so my pores stay clear.

4. Pro metabolic foods:

As I said above, this was when I saw a fundamental change in my skin. I read How to Heal Your Metabolism. This book completely changed my life and helped me heal numerous health issues. I now eat a ton of raw pastured dairy, pastured meats, fruits, fresh juices, potatoes, and seafood. I also take these supplements: beef liver, vitamin E, Shilajit, magnesium, and collagen/gelatin.

In addition to these products, I have made lifestyle changes that I attribute to overall healthier life and skin! I aim for 8-9 hours of sleep at night, workout 2-3x a week, meditate, and take more time to do things I love: long walks, getting in nature, Epsom salt baths, and more! I’ve learned that I can better listen to my body by managing my stress and lowering cortisol and adrenaline levels. Last but not least, I treat myself to monthly facials, and I avoid picking at my fast at all costs! I know how tempting it can be, but it makes it so much worse,

I know firsthand how challenging it can be to have “bad skin.” It wrecks confidence. I’ve canceled plans, cried in the mirror, and covered up with makeup. I dreamed of the day to show off my healthy skin and help others achieve the same!

After many years, I can finally say I love my skin. If you’re interested in more, let’s chat! I’d love to help you achieve your skin goals. You deserve to glow.