Resources that helped me prepare for my homebirth

One topic I get asked a lot about is my experience with homebirth, and I prepared. one of the resources that have helped me understand my body, this whole process, and not have any fears going into labor is the @painfreebirth course that I took. However, I also read a few books that helped me prepare for the most incredible experience of my life.

What I experienced was both spiritual and sacred. I’ll start by saying that physiological birth is raw, primal, and humbling… and it requires total surrender. I remember telling my mind to let go, but it was such a push and pull battle.

As I prepared for this experience, I was extremely picky about the content and resources I read. I knew the type of birth I wanted, so I was able to find these books that fit my needs perfectly. Let’s jump in…

Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth

This book made me feel empowered and taught me about the body and my power to naturally birth my baby with ease and less medical intervention. Homebirth can be scary to many people, but I promise if you read about the process and your body, that fear will be replaced with power.

Real Food for Pregnancy: The Science and Wisdom of Optimal Prenatal Nutrition

You all know how seriously I take my nutrition, and what better time than pregnancy to tune into what I put in my body? This book helped me plan my prenatal nutrition and helped me realize I didn’t need to eliminate foods I initially thought I would need to. It provides evidence that supports a real food diet to optimize maternal and fetal health. It’s incredibly eye-opening, and I couldn’t recommend it enough!

The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

The keyword in this title is natural, and that was my mantra for my pregnancy and birth. Pregnancy is a natural process that our bodies were made for. It’s not a medical condition. This powerful book helps you understand each week of your pregnancy and prepares you for childbirth.

I could not have done my childbirth at home if it were for my amazing doulas and Kyle. They supported my birth plan and wishes and helped me every step of the way. I felt so empowered, understanding that this whole process was a beautiful dance between baby and me… and that my body knows exactly what to do. My DMS are always open if you’re interested in a similar birthing experience. It’s become something that I am very passionate about! Trust your body and your instincts. You’ve got this, mama!