Work Smarter Not Harder

When it comes to business, I’m all about working smarter, not harder. It’s taken me years to perfect my craft, but it became even more important after becoming a mom! Implementing these three things allowed me to be more present in my daily life while still making money and growing a successful business!

Are you ready to hear what I do?! Here we go!

  1. Batch Content:

    What is batching? Batching is when you plan your content and record, take pictures, and type captions in one sitting. It makes your daily life easier. Spend one afternoon knocking it all out! Instead of posting on the fly, or not being prepared, have your week’s worth of content ready to go!

  2. Time blocking:

    As you plan your day out, block certain times for specific tasks. When juggling a business, motherhood, and caring for a house, it is impossible to effectively get tasks done by hopping from one thing to the next. Blocking time out for your tasks ensures you will get it all done. When you block out a certain amount of time for a task, you’ll focus solely on what needs to be done! I like to use timers, an app called Forest that helps me stay off my phone, and visual reminders.

  3. Tag Team:

    I know this isn’t possible for everyone, but if you have a partner at home or a nanny, this is a great way to ensure everyone gets done what they need to. You can implement this into you’re time blocking calendar. I’m very blessed that Kyle works from home, and we can tag-team throughout the day. So what does that look like? We fill out our calendar and keep it posted on our fridge, so it’s easy to see. I figure out what meetings and appointments we have for the week, and then we plan out who will have Dawson and when. So, I’ll have Dawson for a few hours while Kyle finishes his work, and then we will switch. It has worked very well for us!

I know tag-teaming isn’t a reality for all, but you can definitely implement batching content and time blocking! It takes some discipline and practice, but once you make it part of your weekly schedule, it makes all the difference!

What tips have you implemented that have made your life easier?