Relaunching your Monat Business

One of the most common questions I get is, “How can I relaunch my Monat business?”. I love this question because I am passionate about my business model and work ethic. If you can set your mind to it and show up consistently, I promise you will see results.

Before you do anything, you need to define your purpose and how bad you want it, and why. Write it down and put that somewhere where you can see it each day.

After you do that, follow these exact steps!

  1. Launch TODAY!

Do not wait another day. You are killing your own momentum, and you’re sitting on gold. Don’t overthink this step, just go for it. If you’re even considering this question, this is your sign to jump in head first!

2. Go public.

Social media is a great tool to hold yourself accountable. Let people know what you’re up to and invite them on your journey. Then, share a little something every single day. If you feel uncomfortable or awkward, I promise it gets easier. Just keep showing up, and eventually, it will become second nature.

3. Take action daily.

Seriously. Do not let a day go by without doing something for your business. If you want to experience the success you see others experiencing, you owe it to yourself to put in the hard work. Consistency pays off.

4. Set goals with your sponsor.

They will hold you accountable. By pujtting your goals out into the universe, you will be held accountable! They aren’t going to do the work for you, but they will be there to support you every step of the way. Let it be known that you are relaunching and what you want to see in the next few months. Manifest. Manifest. Manifest.

I will be real honest here; it will take a lot of hard work and consistency. I didn’t get where I am by taking days off and not hustling. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the art of hustling. Think about one person you look up to in this business. I can guarantee you that they had seasons of hustle that got them where they are today. You can get there too.

So as you get ready to hustle, remember to celebrate all of your small victories. This will help you see that your hard work is paying off. Expect failure, because we all have been through it. It wouldn’t be entrepreneurship without failure. But every win and every failure is getting you one step closer to the success you deserve.

If you’re feeling encouraged and want to dive more into entrepreneurship, read this blog post about imposter syndrome in business.

You’ve got this babe!