accountability > action

Today was officially my 11th or 12th workout with my trainer. And honestly, I’m not going to lie, I’m tired! It was a challenging workout… butI felt stronger. I felt like it was one of the first mornings since we started working out together that I bounced out of bed and was like “I’m ready for my workout.”

So, what changed? I think feeling strong today was a testament of the consistency. Because truly everything in life is ‘the more you do it, the better you get at it.‘ Oftentimes, it’s hard to recognize our progress at something when we are chipping away, day after day, am I right? But today I took a step back and realized, I felt strong and I felt good and I had a great workout. I could feel the progress.

Let’s chat about this topic of progress and accountability. Recently, one thing that my mentor, Todd Duncan, said on a call that we had was that accountability is more important than action. And this is so true! Because, you can be taking action but it could be the wrong action, or it could be inefficient action. Or, it could be action that’s not intentional.

For example, I can go in the gym by myself and I have all the equipment, and I can go through the motions of the exercises, but it’s not the same thing as being accountable to a trainer who is giving me their feedback, and their expertise and their advice on how to do better and do more. My trainer helps me stay accountable to being efficient and disciplined. Otherwise, I could be at the gym doing a half-ass workout, or scrolling on my phone the whole time, right? Accountability > action.

Another powerful tidbit that Todd Duncan shared on our last mentorship call was a study from Inc Magazine that said how only 8% of people actually accomplish their goals. 8%! Wow. Scary, isn’t it? But, the good news is, when people put specific steps in place, that number went up to 76%… So let’s dive into those steps.

01. Set a specific goal. What exactly are you trying to achieve? You need to know what you’re shooting for in order to hit it.

02. Write down your goal. Don’t just say it out loud once. Put it in writing! Somewhere that you’ll see it, over and over again.

03. Create action steps. How, exactly, are you tackling your goal? Break it down into bite size pieces.

04. Send your goals to an accountability person. A mentor, someone who will ensure you’re going to do the do and make things happen.

05. Set weekly progress check-ins.

I hope that is helpful! I know for me personally, if I know how to set myself up for success, and if I know the steps to follow to be successful, I can tackle anything. I am a super goal-oriented person and if you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you are, too. I think a lot of us are wanting things and saying that we want things, but so many of us aren’t sure how to achieve them. It’s easy to look at other people living their life and achieving things, and not having an understanding of how to go after them ourselves. And that’s really where the last step, the weekly progress check-ins, come into play.

I know I wouldn’t be nearly as consistent as I’ve been about taking care of myself and putting my health first if it wasn’t for the accountability of my trainer. And the same thing goes for your business! Set yourself up for success by implementing key steps, and holding yourself accountable. You’ve got this!