Amazon Baby!

You all have been asking, so I am excited to announce I finally have an Amazon storefront! I get so many DMS about different product links, so now I have space where you can shop all of my favorite items. From baby stuff to baking sourdough, you’ll find all of the things I talk about on Instagram. Take a look here!

So far, these are the categories I am focusing on. Let me know if you have any other you’d like me to add!

  1. Postpartum Must Haves:

    This is a list I am super passionate about. I have shared every step of my journey during PP, and so many of these items have helped immensely. If you’re a new or expecting mama, this list is for YOU!

  2. Sourdough Baking List:

    This is another list I am excited to share with you! As you all know, I have loved my new hobby of baking. It’s been a fun learning experience, and I can’t wait to perfect my craft. Shop all things baking here!

  3. Baby Must Haves:

    This list grows by the day. It’s amazing how many fantastic baby items Amazon carries. I never have to go to the store again if I don’t want to. I have found tons of great board books, toys, and everyday items.

  4. Home Decor:

    You all would be SHOOK at how many cute and modern pieces Amazon carries. We have decorated most of our house and the lake house solely from Amazon. I can’t wait to share all of the items we are buying for our new build!

  5. Kyle’s List:

    I am adding all of Kyle’s finds to this list. Whether you’re looking for your man’s new OOTD or need a birthday present idea, I got you!

Want the even better news? I created lists specifically for PRIME DAY! Go check them out! I’ll still be adding different categories, but I can’t wait to share more. If you have any requests, send me a DM!