It can be incredibly challenging to change your habits and create a healthier lifestyle. I’ve always said if you give something two weeks, it will become a habit. The habits I’ve changed have truly made me such a happier person. I tend to geek out on all things health and wellness, so I’ve done my research on why these changes are beneficial.

Read on to learn about the ten lifestyle habits I’ve created!

  1. Matcha lattes:

    Daily. No matter what! These lattes help improve brain function, are full of antioxidants, promote heart health, and so much more. I love preparing mine with raw milk, honey, or even coconut sugar.

  2. Red light therapy:

    I have been doing this for YEARS! Red light is considered natural light which our bodies and cells need. Unfortunately, we just don’t get enough in our day-to-day lives. That’s where RLT comes in. It can reduce inflammation, help with wound healing, lessen muscle soreness, and more.

  3. Infrared Saunas:

    We all know that sweating out the toxins is good for us, that’s why I started incorporating infrared saunas into my lifestyle. I instantly feel better after a little session, and the benefits are endless.

  4. Lymphatic Drainage:

    If you don’t know this about me, I am obsessed with a good lymphatic drainage massage. Just by stimulating your lymph node system, you can detoxify your body, increase the production of antibodies, reduce headaches, etc. I used to use a jade roller religiously, but we’ve leveled up!

  5. Clean Beauty:

    Do I need to say more? Researching what’s in your products will rock your world. I highly encourage you to find out what you’re putting into your body. Clean is the way to go!

  6. Working Out:

    I’ve always been the type of person who craves movement. It makes me a better mom, wife, and business owner. Even if it’s only a 20-minute walk, I try to get movement daily!

  7. Raw Milk:

    I’m v passionate about this. If you’ve been following me, then you know this.

  8. Beef Liver Capsules:

    Liver is such a nutrient rich food! It’s an excellent source of b vitamins. It is also full of minerals like copper which are essential for turning our food into energy!

  9. Safe Sun Exposure:

    Gone are the days of the tanning bed and laying out to get as dark as possible. Protect that skin, babe!

  10. Filtered Water:

    This one is simple. It removes impurities and dangerous contaminants from your water.

This list is long and it’s taken me years to incorporate all of these habits into my life. I suggest picking 2-3 to start and practicing them for two-four weeks. See how you feel after and maybe you’ll be ready to add more. After my extreme journey in the fourth trimester, I can honestly say these have helped me start feeling like myself again.

What can you add to the list?