037: Ask Kyle: Starting Our AirBNB, Health How-to & Navigating Your Career

These are some of our most favorite episodes to do: ask Kyle anything, complete with classic Erika & Kyle banter!   Thank you so much to our IG fam who submitted questions. In this episode, Kyle answers the following questions from Instagram:  

Tips to involve my husband in my network marketing business?

Consistency is key when it comes to involving your spouse in any business you’re running. Whenever Erika took her Monat business seriously, showed dedication, and shared her wins, it made Kyle more excited and supportive. Also, be aware of pitfalls that can hinder your partner’s involvement, like complaining about the negatives or forcing him to participate if he doesn’t want to. Shift the conversation toward positives and achievements, and it will be so much easier to get your partner on board!  

How can I encourage my partner to take care of himself and “man up”? I do it all over here.

Encouraging your partner to prioritize self-care is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Explain to your husband that neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and even physical and mental health issues. This is why it’s crucial to support and motivate your husband to prioritize their own self-care through open and honest communication. Discuss the benefits of it such as improved mental health, increased energy levels, and enhanced productivity to help them make it a priority.   Top dairy-free protein powder suggestions!
  1. Primal Collagen by Primal Harvest
  2. Multi-Collagen Protein by Ancient Nutrition

What’s your best advice for fellow husbands?

Kyle’s best advice is to seek support. Husbands need to experience community to improve their overall well-being and contribute to a healthier and more fulfilling relationship with their wives! We have both experienced times when we were not in a good rhythm, but Kyle’s self-awareness of needing community, self care, and a routine has helped us reconnect.  We love when you ask us questions! If you ever want us to do another Ask Us Anything, you can just go over to Instagram @trustissuespodcast and comment on our recent posts and let us know what questions you have for us because we want to hear from you!