How To: Oil Treatments

Four years ago, I started doing oil treatments, and let me tell you, it completely transformed my hair! Before oil treatments, I struggled with an itchy and oily scalp, dry ends, and significantly damaged hair. My hair was in such bad shape that it made it impossible to manage. To style it, I had to wash it DAILY. It was exhausting!

Fast forward to now, I have a healthier scalp and stronger and healthier hair. Now I wash my hair less frequently because the oils help lock in moisture. Not only is my hair looking better than ever before, but it’s also much easier to style. It’s stronger, thicker, and overall healthier!

So do you want in on the secret? It’s effortless. I promise! Scalp treatments are what rebuilt the health of my hair.

Have you ever tried a coconut oil treatment? If you haven’t, please don’t! Think about when you put it on your skin. Don’t you feel incredibly greasy after? It’s because the molecules are too big and they can’t be absorbed into your skin or your hair. You need a product that’s actually created to be absorbed into your hair. Meet Rejeveniqe oil, or what I like to call liquid gold.

Rejuveniqe oil is designed to be absorbed into each strand of hair and into the cortex of the hair. If you’re susceptible to dryness, this is great for you! This oil is full of essential oils, it’s anti-aging, and it’s packed with antioxidants. It’s why I am so obsessed with this hair care line!

Let’s talk about how to use this amazing product.

First of all, always start with DIRTY hair! Make sure you brush your hair and take your oil dropper and apply it directly to your scalp. Do so evenly on each side of your scalp. Do this all throughout your scalp including right down the middle. You want to gently massage it into your scalp as you apply the product. Massaging is the trick. This helps to ensure your hair is absorbing the product.

After I apply it throughout my entire scalp, I will drop some into my hand and rub it throughout the ends of my hair, including my money pieces! Lastly, I will throw my hair in my bun with a silk scrunchy. This is another secret to avoiding breakage and damage to your hair.

This scalp treatment takes under five minutes, and I can keep this in all day long. I can work out, go about my day, and wait till the end of the day to shampoo and condition. It won’t transfer to your sheets or pillowcases, so you can do whatever you chose to do for the day and leave it in for as long as you’d like!

My hair is healthier now than it ever was in my twenties, and this is exactly why! Scalp care is key to having healthy hair!

Think of scalp care like the new skincare.

If you have any questions, I am always willing to help! If you want me to customize a routine for you, let me know by filling out my hair quiz. I will design a hair routine that is created just for YOU!