Natural Birth Control

Let’s talk about natural birth control. I know the idea can be overwhelming, and many people wonder if it works, but after a decade of using this method, I am here to tell you it does.

The back story

When I was younger, I had HORRIBLE periods. They caused me to miss my college classes and feel super sick. I couldn’t take it anymore. After talking with my mom, I decided to get on the pill to help with my painful periods and hormones. She wasn’t thrilled, but I felt I had to do something ASAP!

Although I was on the pill, I still had so many issues. I dealt with digestion issues, weight gain, anxiety, and mood problems! It got to the point that I couldn’t take it anymore. I left a fashion internship in Miami, and I felt like my body was crashing. I needed to go home and heal my body. I enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to learn about my body and figure out what the heck was going on! I wanted to educate myself become an advocate of my health. I quickly learned of the many side effects of taking birth control. I realized I no longer wanted to be on hormonal birth control and decided I would learn about my cycle to get in control of what was happening. I immediately quit cold turkey. It wasn’t the smartest approach, but I wanted to detox myself of this horrible drug.

The healing

The metabolic function has a lot to do with your hormones, so being aware of what you put into your body is life-changing. After I got off the pill, I continued to struggle with acne. I felt SO defeated. Nothing I did helped my skin or the painful periods. It wasn’t until I learned more about metabolic health that I started to see clearer skin. I read the book “How to Heal your Metabolism” by Kate Deering and began implementing changes in my life that benefited my health.

I ended up buying products from a company called Natural Cycles. Their starter kit comes with a thermometer, ovulation strips, and a subscription to their app. I took my temperature daily and tracked it in the app. After using the app for a while, I learned about my body and cycle. This helped me to figure out exactly when I was ovulating.  When your temperature is spiked, that means you’re ovulating! You can also check this using the ovulation strips. These strips are tested with your urine and will let you know if you’re ovulating. This method is terrific for not only getting pregnant but also for preventing pregnancy, too. I have been using this method since 2012. You can still have a birth control method without being on a hormonal birth control pill. Kyle and I successfully used this method until we were ready to become parents, and my body is so much better off for it!

The why

I share my journey with others to encourage you to try other methods. The pill is just a bandaid. Health is wealth, and your health is all you have! I wish someone would have taught me this before I went on the pill. I feel empowered because of my learning experience.You can do the same!

I am always open to answering questions! If you are still interested in my health journey or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

This is not medical advice. I am simply sharing my journey and how I became my own health advocate.